The talented Essie Letterpress duo commissioned some of South Africa's most exciting creatives to each illustrate a month of their annual letterpress calendar
All are printed by an Heidelberg Platen press on Natural Evolution paper.
This makes an amazing gift as you can have each month framed when you are done with them, 13 gorgeous prints including the cover!
Limited Edition Letterpress Calendar
230 X 310mm
Printed on Natural Evolution – white 280gsm paper with silver wirobinding at the top
R500 each
Limited Edition Letterpress Calendar
230 X 310mm
Printed on Natural Evolution – white 280gsm paper with silver
wirobinding at the top
R500 each
| Muti
230 X 310mm
Printed on Natural Evolution – white 280gsm paper with silver
wirobinding at the top
R500 each
| James Cat by Hanno van Zyl
Limited Edition Letterpress Calendar
230 X 310mm
Printed on Natural Evolution – white 280gsm paper with silver
wirobinding at the top
R500 each
| True Love Never Dies by Jason de Villiers
230 X 310mm
Printed on Natural Evolution – white 280gsm paper with silver
wirobinding at the top
R500 each
| Stay on Your Rock by Alex LatimerLimited Edition Letterpress Calendar
230 X 310mm
Printed on Natural Evolution – white 280gsm paper with silver
wirobinding at the top
R500 each
| Rekindle by Bruce Macay
230 X 310mm
Printed on Natural Evolution – white 280gsm paper with silver
wirobinding at the top
R500 each
| Deep in the Woods by Hylton Warburton
230 X 310mm
Printed on Natural Evolution – white 280gsm paper with silver wirobinding at the top
R500 each
June |Frost Wizard by Nicolas Rix

Limited Edition Letterpress Calendar
230 X 310mm
Printed on Natural Evolution – white 280gsm paper with silver wirobinding at the top
R500 each
July| Halfway There by Lize Marie Dreyer
230 X 310mm
Printed on Natural Evolution – white 280gsm paper with silver wirobinding at the top
R500 each
August | When You’re Done by Nina Torr
Limited Edition Letterpress Calendar
230 X 310mm
Printed on Natural Evolution – white 280gsm paper with silver
wirobinding at the top
R500 each
| Astral Equinox by Christi Du Toit
230 X 310mm
Printed on Natural Evolution – white 280gsm paper with silver
wirobinding at the top
R500 each
| Time for New Things by Lauren Fowler
230 X 310mm
Printed on Natural Evolution – white 280gsm paper with silver
wirobinding at the top
R500 each
| Gentlemans Quarter by Fanakalo
Limited Edition Letterpress Calendar
230 X 310mm
Printed on Natural Evolution – white 280gsm paper with silver
wirobinding at the top
R500 each
| Viajero by Andres Pallavicini
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