Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Blanquette de Limoux, pain au chocolat and the Brocante - France

Shame poor us! When we weren't sipping on delicious glasses of Blanquette de Limoux (we tried a few to say the least) or trying to find the perfect pain au chocolat (we found it in a boulangerie in EspĂ©raza) or exploring the picturesque villages and towns in the Languedoc province, we were exploring the local Brocante . A Brocante is a second hand or junk shop and the one we went to in Limoux was enormous! It was filled to the rafters and spilled outside into the yard. You can find almost anything there, from cars, to furniture, to clothes and toys and the kitchen sink. It was kind of sad that so much stuff was left to rot outside (see piano below) but so interesting, you could spend days there and find treasures galore if you are willing to get your hands dirty and scratch!

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